Monday, December 28, 2009

Free By Default

“I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude.” Henry David Thoreau
Being free means that one should be free from the dependence of others for emotional support, that is to live life one should not look to other human beings to make him/her happy or feel alive.
There are two kinds of persons. One who feel good only in company while there are others who find bliss "mostly" with just having some quality peaceful time with themselves or their hobbies.
The former are people who have become so addicted to fellow human beings for pleasure and fun that their whole life runs around them and they are dependant on others to make them happy. They are the people who just cant live on without others being around them. Most, if not all, of them live a totally depressed and sad life as their initial support of security was totally weak. These persons may be called people centered……
How ever there are others who find blissful peace in being mostly alone, without any emotional nagging just plain pure bliss engaged in activities they like and enjoy. Now these are the persons who have found a great and long lasting source of support i.e. themselves. These persons live a life full of happiness, pure bliss, calmness, courage with an adequate amount of fun and pleasure. And that according to me is the real essence of living since most of us are born alone and free by default and will be put to the grave alone.
I am not saying that one should live like a hermit and cut off from society...just i say that being with others cannot guarantee you a happy and peaceful life as most people wrongly believe....
that though people are there to help them or to take help from them and such, but one should try not to rely on other people especially for happiness (relying on them to make one happy is like relying on a spider's web for support as most relationships are bound to break or turn sour) ....and according to my view true and pure happiness is found only within one, with ones' own and not in the crowd, treat them as optional when concerned with having fun....

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