Wednesday, October 21, 2009

An·thro·pol·o·gy Un"Veiled”

Evolve 2

Anthropology is defined as “The scientific study of

the origin, the behavior, and the physical, social,

and cultural development of human beings.”


Having defined the term I have to say without a

whim of doubt that modern anthropology is one

great scam and a hoax  perpetuated by the

secular  pagans who worship  science itself. All

this preposterous idea that man evolved from ape

and originated in Africa is totally absurd and

demonic whimsical fantasy. Like a true

demon this has not only led astray the whole

branch of anthropology itself but also affected

other branches of science like archaeology and

history etc. All the carbon dating techniques used

by the scientists to estimate the presence of man

on earth to millions of years ago to prove their

monkey evolution theory is totally flawed and


The fact of the matter is that man was formed of

mud of the earth in the form of a single droplet of

sperm like matter in a pond like reservoir on earth

about 15000 – 20000 years ago. Period.

Reading the articles of the modern day so

called “educated” scholars on the subject of pre-

stone age people, one is just amused at how

much in depth a human can go in his whimsical
